The Enchanted Artist
Want a real Jewish experience, a feel for shtetl life? Anatoly Kaplan’s The Enchanted Artist exhibit will give you just that. While you mosey through the state-of-the-art Beit Avi Chai Cultural Center on King George Street, you will be transported back in time. Back to the days of Tevya the milkman, the old Jew schlepping a goat up a hill (probably the proverbial chassid advised by his rebbe to bring home a goat; an antidote to his complaints of overcrowding), the weary couple rejuvenated by the illumination of the Shabbes candles.
The synthesis of lithograph, calligraphy and painting bring the famous stories of Shalom Aleichem to life. And despite the hardships portrayed in the illustrations, they bring a surprising sense of joy and peace to the viewer.
Open until August 31. Free of charge.
Click here for more information on the exhibit.
Want to learn more about Anatoly Kaplan? Click here.